Travel Advisor

Advisor - Lakisha West

Lakisha West



  • Belize,
  • Dubai,
  • Family Travel,
  • City Travel

Based in

South Mississippi

Profile details


A small-town girl with a passion for exploring the wonders various destinations across the globe can offer.

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Travel style

I am a passionate globetrotter who feels that traveling is an exhilarating experience that allows us to explore new places, immerse ourselves in different cultures and create unforgettable memories. Whether you’re wandering through ancient ruins (steeped in mystery and wonder), exploring hidden gems or indulging in local cuisine (my trips always revolve around the food), the world is full of exciting adventures just waiting to be discovered!

Favorite hotels

Lakisha's travel photos

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View of Burj Khalifa in Dubai
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Advisor - Lakisha West

Travel Advisor

Lakisha West