Travel Advisor

Advisor - Haylei Peart

Haylei Peart

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  • Europe,
  • The Caribbean,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Solo Travel

Based in

Westchester County, New York

Languages spoken

English, Patois, French

Profile details


A New Yorker who spends most of her time planning her next island escape.

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Travel style

I love affordable luxuries. I am always on the look out for the best experiences that won’t break the bank or sacrifice on comfort or style. I love food and often plan my restaurant tour before my excursions. The best trips are those that you leave feeling you got 10x return on your investment.

Favorite hotels

Haylei's reviews

Haylei was great in suggesting properties for my trip. She realized it was for a special occasion and managed to get my accommodations upgraded. She is very thoughtful and efficient. I will be consulting Haylei for all my future trips.

Get in touch with Haylei

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Advisor - Haylei Peart

Travel Advisor

Haylei Peart