Travel Advisor

Advisor - George Staib

George Staib


  • Italy,
  • France,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • City Travel

Based in

Atlanta, GA

Languages spoken

French, Italian, Armenian

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Based in the ATL with deep-seated wanderlust and a bizarre fondness for long-haul flights, I never end a trip without daydreaming about the next one.

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Travel style

I crave feeling as though I am part of any community I visit, which means, doing my best to integrate as fully as possible. To that end, I make it a priority to locate as much art and culture as I can possibly find. From large-scale, opulent venues to the gritty independent artist scene, I find endless inspiration within these spaces. Whether a museum, dance performance or even theater in a language I don’t speak, it’s there I find the pulse of the place – not to mention the best recommendations for restaurants, shops, hidden gems and new friends.

I love sharing what I have learned over all my years of traveling...I have also learned that it makes me happy to make others happy. The world is much too beautiful to miss

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You can normally expect a response from George within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - George Staib

Travel Advisor

George Staib