Travel Advisor

Advisor - Elizabeth Karpati

Elizabeth Karpati

Fora - Logo


  • Banff National Park,
  • Italy,
  • Luxury,
  • Family Travel

Based in

Houston, TX

Languages spoken

English, Spanish, conversational Italian

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Travel isn't just a hobby it's a way of life; an insatiable curiosity that fuels my soul. My philosophy is simple: embrace the unknown and immerse yourself in every culture you encounter.

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Travel style

As the daughter of an American diplomate, my parents gave me the gift of traveling the world. It is an integral and essential part of my life, and something that I am passionate about. I have two adult sons and I started traveling with them before they had even learned to walk. I wanted to show them that the world is a vast, beautiful and endlessly fascinating place.

We have strolled the bustling cobblestoned streets of Rome, hiked throughout the breathtakingly serene mountains of the Canadian Rockies, were deeply moved by the sight of eagles and whales in Alaska, studied the David, analyzed the Fabergé eggs in the Hermitage, savored local cuisine in Greece, explored the secret passages of the Doge’s Palace and ziplined through the Costa Rican jungles. Each journey leaves an indelible mark on my heart. Join me in exploring and being inspired by one destination at a time.

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Advisor - Elizabeth Karpati

Travel Advisor

Elizabeth Karpati