Travel Advisor

Advisor - Daniella Velazquez de Leon

Daniella Velazquez de Leon


Fora - Logo


  • San Diego,
  • Mexico,
  • City Valle de Guadalupe,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Group Travel

Languages spoken

English and Spanish

Profile details


San Diego-based third-gen sustainability champion running our organic banana family biz. When not planning travel, exploring the newest SD and Baja foodie hotspots.

Travel style

I'm all about experiencing the local culture and history in a meaningful way. I gravitate towards boutique hotels that highlight the local community, offer unique workshops with local artists and immerse you in the destination. I love a leisurely stroll through the town streets, exploring local foodie gems or cafes and savoring the local cuisine.

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Advisor - Daniella Velazquez de Leon

Travel Advisor

Daniella Velazquez de Leon