Travel Advisor

Advisor - Cindy Fogel

Cindy Fogel


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  • Europe,
  • Caribbean,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Boutique Travel

Based in

Philadelphia, PA

Profile details


Travel enthusiast, devoted wife and proud mom of three. I love hiking, biking and snuggling with my two dogs. I'm always looking for my next adventure.

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Travel style

My travels include the perfect balance of adventure, exploration, and relaxation. I love a well-planned itinerary but there is always room for the unexpected detour. You’ll find me venturing off the beaten path when exploring new cities in search of hidden gems. I have a deep appreciation for the serenity of natural settings, where I can hike, bike, or set out for a relaxing day on the water. Luxury accommodations are my thing but I'm not afraid to rough it a bit if it means having a more authentic experience. My perfect vacation includes a little of everything!

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You can normally expect a response from Cindy within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Cindy Fogel

Travel Advisor

Cindy Fogel