Travel Advisor

Advisor - Christine Aloni

Christine Aloni



  • USA,
  • South America,
  • Family Travel,
  • Food & Wine

Based in

Bay Area, California

Languages spoken

Spanish, Hebrew, Portuguese

Profile details


I love to create the perfect mix of relaxation and adventure for families and groups! I am passionate about finding those unique experiences that creates memories for years to come.

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Travel style

Travel is all about balance for me. I love a trip that balances relaxation with adventure, street food with Michelin stars, unique attractions with city strolls, and theme parks with national parks. My professional experience is in ultra-luxury hotels and fine dining, but I hate boxing myself into one style because I want to experience it all! Although I am an obsessive planner, I also like to build in the opportunity for flexibility and spontaneity. My current travel style is all about the family. This not only involves my two toddlers, teenager, dog and husband but often a multigenerational group of 20 or more people between the ages of 0-87! I am passionate about planning trips for my family that build opportunities for my kids that allow for learning and global citizenship.

Favorite hotels

Christine 's travel photos

Travel image

Get in touch with Christine

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You can normally expect a response from Christine within a business day or so. You’ll also be subscribed to our travel newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Advisor - Christine Aloni

Travel Advisor

Christine Aloni