Travel Advisor

Advisor - Chalalin Giron

Chalalin Giron


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  • USA,
  • UK,
  • Thailand,
  • Zambia,
  • Switzerland,
  • Solo Travel,
  • Group Travel

Profile details


Event manager by day, travel planner by night – organization comes second nature to me! Based in Alaska after many years of living across the globe.

Travel style

I've traveled as a budget backpacker to enjoying all-inclusive luxury and everything in between – I never say no to a new experience and adventure! My stomach guides my feet, I am always seeking the best foods and the best views the world has to offer.

California born and raised, I've lived in DC, Virginia, NYC, England, Thailand, Zambia and now Alaska. My adventures across the globe were both solo travels and group travels with my friends. Nowadays you can find me camping out with my partner and two huskies in the Alaskan wilderness chasing auroras and keeping a good distance from bears.

So whether you're looking for a trip for yourself, your family, or a big group of friends, lets chat and see how I can plan your next great adventure!

Favorite hotels

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Advisor - Chalalin Giron

Travel Advisor

Chalalin Giron