Travel Advisor

Advisor - Ashley Adelizi

Ashley Adelizi


  • France,
  • Italy,
  • California,
  • NYC,
  • Mexico,
  • Boutique Travel,
  • Food & Wine

Based in

Orange County, CA

Profile details


A SoCal native, food and wine enthusiast, forever planning the next adventure. France is where I find my ultimate escape.

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Travel style

I am all about chasing delicious food, fine wine and jaw-dropping views. From the vibrant energy of bustling cities to the serene landscapes of Provence and Tuscany, I immerse myself in diverse cultures while cherishing relaxing beach escapes. Crafting meticulously curated itineraries is my passion, blending sightseeing, rejuvenating spa experiences, romantic dinners and capturing picture-perfect moments along the way.

Favorite hotels

Ashley's travel photos

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A beautiful view of sky at sunset
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Ashley's reviews

Ashley was an outstanding travel guide. She was incredibly professional and kind throughout our entire trip. Her recommendations were spot on and greatly enhanced our experience. Ashley’s amazing guidance and support made our journey unforgettable. Highly recommended!

Get in touch with Ashley

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Advisor - Ashley Adelizi

Travel Advisor

Ashley Adelizi