Travel Advisor

Advisor - Aletha Peters

Aletha Peters


  • Europe & United States,
  • Luxury Travel,
  • Cruise

Based in

Washington, DC

Minimum booking Budget


Profile details


Always up for the adventure and here to help you find one. Your personal travel advisor focused on helping you live life through travel and unique adventures.

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Travel style

A former workaholic turned work-life balance advocate. You can usually find me searching for something I have never seen or trying an activity I have never done. I don't like tight busy schedules, flexibility is KING. I always remember to slow down and take in every moment because the beauty of it all is breathtaking. I like to feel good returning from a trip so adding time to chill is my favorite thing. Life is too short, so I chose to take time for the one thing I love TRAVELING often.

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Aletha 's travel photos

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Get in touch with Aletha

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Advisor - Aletha Peters

Travel Advisor

Aletha Peters